About Us
FELLOWSHIP Joining the Association provides the opportunities to keep in touch with those with whom you have served and also to make new friends. The fire service has a great reputation for its camaraderie so why deny yourself access to it in retirement? Our meetings are chiefly aimed at providing fellowship opportunities. AT YOUR SERVICE The Association exists to serve its members. The membership is consulted to ensure that the activities planned are in accordance with the wishes of the majority of members. Dining out is a popular is a popular Association activity and fellowship meals are arranged at venues that provide excellent value for money. Transport is usually available to those who need assistance. WELFARE We try to look after our members and provide support where this is appropriate. This is usually done through the Fire Fighters Charity and/or the BFSA Members Welfare Fund. The Association has strong links with both. The intention is to try to maximise the quality of life for our members. VOLUNTARY COMMUNITY SERVICE Within the membership of the Branch, there is a wealth of experience and knowledge that is being tapped to the benefit of the community. Opportunities are provided for members to offer themselves for voluntary service as members of the Fire Fighters Charity and British Red Cross Fire Emergency Support Service. Also, members may volunteer to help Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service with its programme of fire and road safety work with children and the elderly. HOLIDAYS As part of the social activity programme, the Association arranges short trips and longer holidays that members have indicated would interest them. By booking as a group, the Association is able to negotiate very good rates and secure benefits that would not otherwise be available. PERSONAL DATA CONSENT FORM OUR PRIVACY POLICY – GDPR Policy on Data and Privacy OUR CONSTITUTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DISCLAIMER/COPYRIGHT
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